Mrs Post's Lemon Drizzle Cake by Paul Hollywood
Is Paul Hollywood really the housewives' pin-up? He makes a good team with Mary Berry in the Great British Bake Off but a pin-up? That's pushing it a bit.Here's a recipe from his fantastic 'How to bake' book (Bloomsbury, £20).
The recipe asks for lemon curd.If you have the time to make lemon curd then that's great but I think Tiptree's works just fine.
Regarding tins, I used a 26 x 10.5cm (10 x 4 inches).
For the version in Spanish please see below. I'm sorry if my translation is not up to scratch. I'll get better- promise.
For the version in Spanish please see below. I'm sorry if my translation is not up to scratch. I'll get better- promise.
My rating: 5 Big fat STARS
75g unsalted butter, softened, plus extra for greasing
125g caster sugar
150g self-raising flour
1 tsp baking powder
2 medium eggs
1 tbsp lemon curd
2 1/2 tbsp full-fat milk
For the drizzle
Finely grated zest and juice of 1 lemon
2 tbsp granulated sugar
1.Heat your oven to 180C. Butter a 1kg loaf tin and line with baking parchment.
2.Beat the butter and caster sugar together in a large bowl, using an electron hand-held whisk or wooden spoon, until the mixture is very light and fluffy- this can take up to 10 minutes. Add the flour, baking powder, eggs, lemon curd and milk, mixing all the time, until the ingredients are thoroughly combined.
3.Pour the mixture into the prepared loaf tin and bake for 40-45 minutes or until a skewer inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean.
4.Meanwhile, for the drizzle, mix the lemon zest and juice with the granulated sugar. Pour the lemon drizzle over the hot cake in the tin. Leave to cool completely, then serve.
Version en ESPAÑOL
75g manteca (sin sal), ablandada, mas extra para enmantecar
125g azúcar
150g harina leudante
1 cucharadita de polvo para hornear
2 huevos medianos
1 cucharada de lemon curd o crema de limón(se hace con huevos, jugo y ralladura de limón, manteca y azúcar)
2 1/2 cucharadas de leche entera
Para el drizzle
Ralladura fina y jugo de 1 limón
2 cucharadas de azúcar
1.Calentar el horno a 180C. Enmantecar un molde para pan de 1kg y poner papel manteca.
2.Batir la manteca y el azúcar juntos en un bol grande, usando una batidora eléctrica de mano o una cuchara de madera, hasta que la mezcla este liviana y como esponjoso (no se si este es el término en castellano!). Esto puede llevar como 10 minutos. Agregar la harina, el polvo para hornear, huevos, lemon curd y la leche, mezclando todo el tiempo hasta que los ingredientes estén bien mezclados.
3.Poner la mezcla en el molde y hornear por 40-45 minutos o hasta que después de insertar un pincho o cuchillo éste salga limpio.
4.Mientras tanto, para el drizzle,mezclar el jugo con la ralladura y el azúcar. Verter esto sobre la torta caliente mientras que este en el molde. Dejar enfriar completamente y luego servir.